Saurabh Bhatia

Saurabh Bhatia is the Director at Safew Technology Labs Pvt Limited at Hyderabad,India.He is a First Generation Entrepreneur.He loves travelling to new places and likes to Photograph them.He is passionate about books of any kind.He even likes writing.He is an Open Source evangalist and loves the Freedom provided by it,which actually goes perfectly with his nature.

He is familiar with a programming languages like Ruby & Java,some web development concepts like Rails,Struts,Spring but is by blood a hardcore system administrator in Linux.He loves Debian and Ubuntu, again because they are “free”.Free as in Freedom not free Lunch.


5 thoughts on “Saurabh Bhatia

  1. If you are the author of ToDo Vista gadget I would like to ask you if it is possible to change the font type to Arial or Tahoma?

    Best regards,

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